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Save the Date: Next Paristech Alumni Event on Monday 19th Oct 2015

30 septembre 2015
Vue 46 fois

Dear Alumni of Paristech,


I’m very pleased to announce to you that the next Paristech Alumni event will take place on Monday 19th Oct in Shanghai, we will be honored to welcome 4 directors from the most prestigious French Grandes  Ecoles of Paristech:

  • Yves Demay, Directeur Général de l'Ecole polytechnique
  • Elisabeth Crépon, Directrice de l'ENSTA ParisTech
  • Romain Soubeyran, Directeur de MINES ParisTech
  • Yves Poilane, Directeur de Télécom ParisTech


Details will follow soon, please register to Shen Yuan Yuan at cc


I wish all of you a golden break and see you on 19th!


Guan Hao

Coordinator Paristech Alumni China 


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